review, skincare, ingredients, photos, trends, ballsy, plague slayer, hand sanitizer, personal protection equipment, where to find hand saniziter during the pandemic

Ballsy Plague Slayer Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizers have become pretty difficult to find during the last 8 months. This has led to a lot of companies launching products to help with on-the-go germ sanitizing, when they normally wouldn’t make such products. One such company is Ballsy.

Ballsy is a company geared towards body washes for men – specifically a certain kind, if you catch my drift! Ballsy was geared towards creating body washes for men that didn’t contain a ton of chemicals, specifically when they are being used on such sensitive areas. After some time in the lab, Ballsy was made and Ballwash was born.

review, skincare, ingredients, photos, trends, ballsy, plague slayer, hand sanitizer, personal protection equipment, where to find hand saniziter during the pandemic
But today isn’t about Ballwash – it’s about Ballsy’s new product Plague Slayer Hand Sanitizer. Plague Slayer retails for $8.00 for one bottle or you can purchase a three pack for $24.00 (but currently on sale at the time of this blog post for $19.98). You can visit Ballsy’s website here.

Plague Slayer deploys an all-out assault onto your hands bringing instant death to any evil germs that stand in the way.

Benefits of Plague Slayer:

  • FDA approved formula
  • 70% germ murdering USP Ethyl Alcohol ethanol (pharmaceutical grade) – there is no higher grade available
  • 25% of profits donated to Direct Relief supporting healthcare workers
  • Features soothing aloe
  • Smells like death (no fragrance)
  • Made in the USA
  • 4 murderous ounces

You’ll also notice the quite artistic label on the bottle. Greg Kletsel was the artist behind the label.

review, skincare, ingredients, photos, trends, ballsy, plague slayer, hand sanitizer, personal protection equipment, where to find hand saniziter during the pandemic
I have to admit that I really love the twist-top on this hand sanitizer. It contains 4 ounces so it’s a little bit of a larger container than the typical on-the-go size bottles you would throw in your purse or pocket. I love the blue color of the sanitizer. This sanitizer doesn’t leave my hands feeling overly dry, though obviously with the increased amount of hand-washing and sanitizing, our hands are overall a little more dry these days.

I can really appreciate Ballsy stepping into the hand sanitizing realm, especially when it is so difficult to find these types of products lately. I appreciate even more than 25% of the profits are donated to Direct Relief support for health care workers.

Overall, if you’re looking for some hand sanitizer – this one is great.

You can purchase all products reviewed and mentioned on!

Have you tried Ballsy products? What do you think of the Plague Slayer?

Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to follow us on our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @BeautyStat! #bstat

– Dawn Santamarina, Managing Editor

You can follow Dawn on Instagram @missdawn1012

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