Lathering is so 2014! If you haven’t noticed, that second-day hair look has been receiving a lot of attention lately. Whether seen on the runways or on the labels of your favorite hair products (promising to give you that “texturized” look), the whole “no suds” approach to cleansing your hair has become a common beauty practice.
Before/After Photos, Swatches: Alterna Bamboo Style Cleanse Extend Translucent Dry Shampoo
In a recent New York Times article entitled, “No-Shampoo Regimens Replace the Suds,” the debate whether or not one should lather their scalp rages on. Some of the hair industry’s leading stylists, dermatologist and beauty experts weigh in on the co-washing treatment, with‘s very own Ron Robinson having a few things to say about the growing hair washing trend:
“It comes out of the new insight that shampooing every day is not for all consumers, especially those with curly, kinky, wavy hair or color-treated or processed hair that might be more susceptible to damage,” said Ron Robinson, an independent cosmetic chemist and founder of
“We’re going to see this category burgeon and grow.”
Herbal Essences Naked Collection — Volume, Moisture, Shine – Shampoo, Conditoner, Dry Shampoo, Shine Mist – #GetNaked Hair!

Photo Courtesy of The NY Times; From left, Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil Shampoo, Purely Perfect Cleansing Creme and L’oreal Evercreme cleansing conditioner
To find out more about the no-suds approach to cleaning your hair, how to properly co-wash without stripping your scalp of essential oils and the best cleansing conditioners to use, make sure to check out the article in its entirety at
You can purchase all reviewed and mentioned items using our site,!
Have you beauties tried the co-washing hair treatment trend yet? If so, how does it make your hair feel?
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