Cinema Secrets has recently released a Tropical Lemon Scented version of its fabulous Brush Cleanser. The product dropped on August 5 and is available for purchase on Cinema Secrets’ website, and retailers nationwide. It will also be available at Sephora beginning on August 10.

- Step One: Pour Cinema Secrets Lemon Scented Makeup Brush Cleanser into a glass container or tin. Fill it up enough to dip 1/4 of the way up the brush bristles.
- Step Two: Dip the tip of the brush into the liquid and remove immediately to avoid over saturation. The bristles will draw liquid up into the brush and dissolve away any makeup. For large, fluffy, or dense brushes, only dip 10% of the brush tip and hold vertically for 5 seconds so liquid moves down to the base.
- Step Three: Wipe the brush clean on an absorbent paper towel or cloth and then repeat, as necessary. Reshape the brush and allow to air dry completely before use. It is ready to use in seconds!
You can purchase the Makeup Brush Cleanser Pro Starter Kit (8 fl. oz.) with tin for $26.00.
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Will you be purchasing the new Lemon Scented Brush Cleanser from Cinema Secrets?
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– Dawn Santamarina, Managing Editor
You can follow Dawn on Instagram @missdawn1012
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