MAC Cosmetics Prep+Prime Fix+ is a staple in the beauty community. Now, you Fix+ is coming in even more scents! Each spray comes in a
playful special deco mini MAC bottle, which is perfect for on the go use. These new sprays will be available online on the
MAC Cosmetics website on
June 17, 2019, and in stores on June 20, 2019.

Mini sprays contain 1 fl. oz. of product and retail for $16.00. Full size sprays contain 3.4 fl. oz. of product and retail for $28.00. These are
limited edition so make sure you snag them while they’re available!

Cucumber (ULTA exclusive)




White Tea


Cucumber (ULTA Exclusive)
You can purchase all products reviewed and mentioned on!
Which scents will you be purchasing from the new Fix+ line?
Let us know by commenting below (you just might win a free sample)! Make sure to follow us on our Pinterest page by clicking HERE! And don’t forget to get the latest beauty and skincare news by following us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @BeautyStat! #bstat
– Dawn Santamarina, Managing Editor
You can follow Dawn on Instagram @missdawn1012
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