SweetSpot Labs Free Product Facebook Promotion

If you haven’t heard of SweetSpot, then this is a good time to start. The company makes all sorts of delish products for your, ahem, *sweetest spot* from wipes, to spritzes to bidets.

The first 500 people to join SweetSpot Lab’s Facebook page will each receive one of your favorite washes, wipes, or mists for FREE.

Here’s what to do:

1. Join the Facebook Group
2. Proclaim your passion for SweetSpot products
3. Invite your friends to join the intimate grooming revolution
4. Send us an email to: info@sweetspotlabs.com
5. Include your mailing address (U.S. and Canada only please)
6. Include your product choice (i.e. Balancing Mist in Basil Grapefruit)

Trust me, the products are worth every minute of your time!