At-home waxing is something that we often pass up on because we may not know the proper way to do it or we may not know the best products to get the job done. Today, we’ll be discussing the do’s and don’ts so you can become a pro in the comfort of your own home.
At-home waxing can be a scary thought, but especially right now with some salons still closed, we are all looking for ways to keep unwanted facial and body hair at bay with high quality at-home kits. Trying to find the right tools and tips to make your at-home waxing experience a success can sometimes get a bit… hairy. Luckily, Nad’s Brand Ambassador and Expert, Natalie Ismiel, has provided some professional advice for us.
First, let’s start off by confirming that yes, it is safe to wax at home – whether you are waxing your legs, upper lips, eyebrows, bikini/brazilian area, etc. Natalie says, “Be sure you are using a product that specifically states that it is suitable for the area you want to wax, as the formulas differ depending on the area. Also make sure that you read the precautions and instructions before use!”
DO: Grow Out Your Hair
While shaving feels like an easier solution, it requires frequent maintenance and results are not always smooth. If you are planning to wax, try to avoid shaving for at least a week. Natalie recommends growing hair out to the below length for each area before waxing:
- Armpit area – hair should be between 2-5 mm
- Bikini/Brazilian area – hair should be a maximum of 5mm long; trim the hair to this length if it looks longer
- Leg area – hair should be between 2-5 mm
- Upper Lip area – Hair should be at least 3 mm long
- Eyebrow area – hair should be at least 3 mm long
DO: Exfoliate
Natalie says that exfoliating before you wax is a must before waxing to avoid ingrown hairs and skin impurities. Exfoliating also boosts circulation, encourages cell regeneration, and improves skin tone and appearance.
DO: Cleanse and Dry the Area
Make sure that the area you are waxing is clean. Natalie suggests cleaning the area with soap and water first, then dry the skin completely before waxing. She also suggests steering away from using oils or lotions before a wax as a wax works best with the skin when these products aren’t on the skin.
DO: Aftercare
Natalie suggests moisturizing skin with a light, calming oil – this will help if your skin feels irritated or a little raw. Most of Nad’s products come with Post Calming Wax Oil Wipes to gently moisturize skin and remove any wax residue.
For a Bikini/Brazilian Wax Aftercare, the first 24 hours after are crucial and you must exfoliate your skin every day to avoid ingrown hairs. You can also use Nad’s Ingrown Solution which contains soothing aloe and green tea extract, suitable for minimizing ingrown hairs, irritation, redness, and bumps by reducing the build-up of dead cells that can block pores. Some fabrics can irritate newly waxed skin, so opt for light cotton panties, as opposed to lace or nylon.
DO NOT: Wax Sensitive Skin
Do not wax areas that have sunburn, a rash, recent scar tissue, pimples, or other irritation. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll want to perform a 24-hour patch test on a small area to see how your skin reacts before proceeding with a full-wax session. It’s also best not to do a DIY bikini or brazilian wax during your period, as you will likely be more sensitive and prone to experience discomfort.
DO NOT: Drink Significant Amounts of Alcohol or Coffee Before Waxing
Natalie says that doing so can tighten your pores and make the wax feel painful. You should also avoid bikini waxing if you are taking oral retinoids or using topical retin A.
DO NOT: Shave In Between Waxes or Wait Too Long to Wax
If you think you want to stick to waxing, try not to shave between waxes to reduce irritation and ingrown hairs. Hair can grow back thinner and weaker the more you wax, but if you shave between waxing your hair will continue to grow coarsely. The length between waxing can vary to anywhere between 3-8 weeks, as hair grows back at different rates for different people and body parts.
Sticking to a normal waxing schedule will make the process that much easier. Your hair must be at least 1/8 in. long or the process will not be effective. Also, try not to wax or use cream in the same area twice, as this can cause your skin to become irritated. Try removing excess hairs with tweezers. Another common mistake is removing wax strips too slowly. The trick is to pull quickly and swiftly for best results and less discomfort.
DO NOT: Use Products with Fragrances
Steer away from fragrances or creams with fragrance after a wax to reduce irritation. It is also recommended to avoid working out, soaking in a tub or jacuzzi, avoid saunas, or anything with high heat due to the area being sensitive.
Need Product Recommendations for Certain Areas? See Below!

For Bikini Area: For the body and bikini area, I recommend using a wax kit, such as Nad’s Natural Sugar Wax ($12.99 at Ulta or Amazon) or Nad’s Charcoal Bead Wax ($16.99 on Amazon). Both are applied with a spatula, as opposed to ready-to-use wax strips. With wax kits you have more control over the areas you want to apply wax to. They also help to ensure you are applying the wax thickly and evenly over the area, which is especially necessary for coarser hair.

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– Dawn Santamarina, Managing Editor
You can follow Dawn on Instagram @missdawn1012
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