Are Exosomes the new Stem Cell therapy for skin?
Exosomes are tiny particles that are released by all of the cells in our body. This particle release is how each of our cells communicates with the cells in our body. When this communication is flawless, our bodies function at its best. But as we age, exosomes decrease.

Exosomes are the vehicle that can be filled with peptides, amino acids, or lipids.
Because of their very small particle size, applied topically, exosomes may reduce inflammation as well as rejuvenate the skin.
My take is that there probably needs to be more research done here.
But Dr. Barbara Sturm Exoso-Metic Face Serum ($510) is a product that has good reviews.
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– Dawn Santamarina, Managing Editor
You can follow Dawn on Instagram @missdawn1012
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